Friday, April 26, 2019

EV200d - Amazing Image, Faulty Reception, Zero Support

  • stunning image
  • great reception
  • cheap
  • Banggood will refund a portion in case of problems
  • reception loss in mid-air
  • very power hungry
  • lose lock or reboots in midflight
  • some units have bad contact so you may lose one color component on one display
  • some units have faulty cooling fan that vibrate the unit
  • very slow scan
  • gets very warm
  • some optics have specs of dust in them
  • hard to open without breaking, no support or parts available
  • Fan/heat:
  • loss of lock: plug a 10A power pack to the USB of the battery
  • no first lock: do a full scan
CONCLUSION: Buy it at your own risk, some batches are flawless. If yours have problems, contact BG and escalate until you get a 90% refund, you get to keep the goggles, then you can tinker with it to fix most issues. Then buy a HD system.

Using openCV to study a resilient rat

One rat still remains in our house, we see its little droppings in the living room and the stench from under the sink. The pest control are having trouble capturing it so I setup a cheap wide angle camera and observe.
Sifting through 8 hours of footage ain't fun so I asked the help of OpenCV based DVR-scan as well as ffmpeg.

Here are the command lines on Windows:
To merge bits of videos:
(for %i in (*.mp4) do @echo file '%i') > mylist.txt
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c copy ../../output-2019-04-26-08.mp4
To extract footage motion from hours of video:
for %i in (output*.mp4) do dvr-scan -i %i -o scanned%i.mp4

You need is ffmpeg and DVR-scan