Saturday, November 23, 2019

How do you do Oculus Rift roomscale the easy way?

Bypass the USB-A low power delivery of your motherboard and use a USB-C hub like THIS ONE

This tiny box muxes 4 x USB3.0 signals into a USB-C signal which in the case of this z370 motherboard leads to collision free communication and also pushes usb-C higher power to all 4 usb-A ports.
The result is tracking and audio with no glitch.

Mansplaining (maybe): Each sensor eats up 76 MB/s and in USB 2.0 mode 16 MB/s, goggle audio probably eats up 48 kHz@16bits X 2 = much less than 1 MB/s total with 2 sensors: <160 180="" 3="" and="" mb="" p="" s="" sensors="" with="">Why does this collide on the z370 internal USB controller but not via a usb-C hub? My guess is power supply of the hub via usb-c increased power delivery makes the end point's electronic more stable so the signal timing is more stable, less for the z370 controller to correct, no loss tracking.
It might be why a powered USB-A will also provide stable tracking. In other word it's not the bandwidth as much as enough power to the sensors.