Monday, August 17, 2015

TSA: how to pass security check if you lost your ID

This just happened to me and when I reached TSA I only had on me 2 outdated passports and GOES pre-check.

Here is what I learned:
In such situation GOES is worth nothing, won't help.
Obsolete passport don't count as ID (this made no sense to the supervisor either)


  • 3 pieces with your name, one of which should include your photo: obsolete passports, electricity bill, a magazine with your name and address on it, credit card, Costco card
  • Answer some Bank-security type questions like "give me a former address you lived in"
Then go through pat-down.
That's it.

QLink Ally - it works!

  • it works
  • small
CONSLUSION: With cell phone, wifi and now IoT, EMF are everywhere. If you are sensitive to them and don't know how to shift their effect on you, you can use this little device.